Turning Suckless into Suckmore

This is an excerpt from Turning Suckless into Suckmore.

“So you have just migrated away from something like the i3 tiling window manager because you think it’s too bloated, and you have shunned the heavier terminal emulators like Xfce4 Terminal and even xterm. Instead you feel amazed at the simplicity of suckless and you’re now running the dwm tiling window manager instead, with a ton of patches and scripts added because of course dwm is useless without transparency, gaps and a glowing status bar with the latest weather report, a volume indicator, and all the other bloatware you left behind in GNOME or KDE. And you run the st terminal emulator, again with a ton of patches and scripts added because the terminal emulator needs to look like the GNOME Terminal and behave like Vim. And in order to glue all the different parts together with all the other terminal and window based application you’re running you have to maintain a huge repository of dotfiles and scripts that need to be automatically updated using cron because of all the daily tinkering you’re doing.

I congratulate you on your amazing achievement of turning suckless into suckmore!”