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Welcome to my website!

I'm Shayan Naqvi. I'm currently in college; studying Chemistry, Computer Science, Math and Physics. Some interests/hobbies: Linux, graphic/visual design, music, books, cooking, programming, and photography.

I originate from Pakistan, and I'm bilingual - I speak English and Urdu.

Feel free to say hello! The only way to do that is through email (no social media, sorry!).

Things I'm currently working on:

Some older projects:

About this website

Code licensed under GNU GPLv3. Content licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Hosted on Github Pages.

This website is written in plain HTML and CSS. Javascript isn't entirely absent here; I'm using it only for rendering Latex (Katex, in this case) wherever needed. Aside from that, you can use this site with Javascript disabled.

The website's source code is here.

The font used is Libertinus Mono.

link to RSS feed link to Void Linux's website' under construction GIF best viewed with eyes

Speaking of this website, this is everything here:


  1. Cool Math Question II
  2. Setting up Obsidian with Syncthing
  3. Cool Math Question
  4. Neofetch is dead! So what?
  5. Patching DWM
  6. Playstation Vita as a music player
  7. Setting up DWM
  8. Turning Suckless into Suckmore
  9. Vita: Need for Speed Most Wanted (2012) Review
  10. Change your Linux distribution and keep your data!
  11. 2-Dimensional Arrays
  12. Integrating Inverse Tan


  1. Third-Party Youtube Clients
  2. Going Back to DWM
  3. What Have I Done to this Website?
  4. Waiting for Animations
  5. Choosing not to Rice
  6. Void Linux Post-Installation
  7. Endeavours with Blender
  8. A Report on Renewable Energy
  9. SSH and Android (Guide)
  10. The Brave Browser
  11. Is the Madness Ever Going to End?
  12. Redesigning this Website
  13. Hobbyist UI Design Works
  14. Youtube Through RSS
  15. Creating a Colour Scheme
  16. Tiling WM Quickstart
  17. No-fuss Terminal Workspace
  18. A Wonky and Imperfect Display Font


Deprecated section of this website. This is everything that was once there. It's mostly notes from a few topics on AS Level subjects.

  1. Differentiating and Integrating e
  2. Ionization Energy
  3. Dative Covalent Bonding
  4. The Equation of a Circle
  5. Orbitals & Subshells
  6. Errors and Uncertainties
  7. Networking
  8. Sound
  9. Bitmaps and Vectors
  10. ASCII & Unicode
  11. BCD
  12. Binary Subtraction
  13. Converting Between Binary/Denary/Hexadecimal
  14. Negative Binary Strings
  15. Discriminants
  16. Reducing an Equation to a Quadratic
  17. The Vertex of a Quadratic
  18. Completing the Square (faster)
  19. Reverse Engineering a Quadratic
  20. The Equations of a Straight Line
  21. A Different Way of Completing the Square
  22. A Few Questions from a Worksheet on Stoichiometry
  23. Relating Moles with Other Quantities
  24. A Few Important Formulae