What am I doing now?

Last updated: 25/1/2025

What I’m working on

  • This website

    I’ve migrated this website to Hugo! Before, I managed this website in plain HTML! There are benefits to this, but there was a lot, and I mean a lot, of friction when it came to actually putting things on the website.

    This is mostly due to the amount of manual “labour” required. If I was writing a blog post, I had to update wherever I was listing the articles and the RSS feed manually. And, while I did write a script to generate a template HTML file for each article, it wasn’t enough!

    It might not sound like much, but it does compound! Do I want to write an article? Okay,

    1. Create a HTML file
    2. Write article in HTML
    3. Update wherever articles are listed
    4. Update RSS feed

    Mind you, I’ve had this website since July of 2023, so I managed to stick with this system for about 1.5 years. Part of the reason for this was, weird as it may sound, I enjoyed writing articles in plain HTML! Alas, markdown is a lot nicer. Hence the switch to Hugo.

    I don’t have any specific reason for choosing Hugo. The only reason I knew of it was because of Chris Titus Tech on Youtube, otherwise I was aware of the existence of Jekyll. I’m not sure of the differences between these two and the jillion other static site generators out there.

  • Potohar Model United Nations 2025

    I’m managing the graphics/branding realm of this event alongside a co-director and a team of 2!

What I’m listening to

  • Ali Project

    A pretty niche Japanese “rock” band, but from what I’ve heard thus far there isn’t much rock here. I’m quite enjoying the little I’ve heard from them, and it reminds me of Björk’s music (there’s this one song on their album Noblerot called Lost Child, and it sounds QUITE similar to Hunter by Björk).

    A few of the songs I’ve taken a liking to (I’m very fond of numbers 5 & 6):

    1. Coppelia no Hitsugi
    2. Tozasareta Atelier
    3. Otome no Inori
    4. Rose Moon
    5. Waga Routashi Aku no Hana
    6. 勇侠青春謳
  • Fishmans

    Their 1998 live album is definitely my favourite so far, but I’m also quite enjoying Orange (Wasurechau Hitotoki and Yoru no Omoi are particular favourites).

  • Tame Impala

    This is probably one of the last bands I thought I’d be listening to, but there are a few songs off of their 2015 album Currents I quite enjoy. The first and last song, and a few in between.


    I’ve only listened to their album the WORLD Ruler, but aside from the two songs there that are pretty well known (the WORLD and Alumina), there are a fair few other nice pieces there (縷々〜lulu〜 comes to mind).

What I’m playing

I’m not going through any particularly meaty games at the moment. I was going through the original Metal Gear Solid, but kind of gave up after beating the cool ninja guy boss. Not for any particular reason mind you, I was putting up with the oddities fairly well till that point.

Having played Metal Gear Solid 2 before this, I found the lack of a first-person aiming view a particular challenge. I had to change the way I aimed weapons to cope with this. Instead of aiming your weapon with the analog stick, aim with the D-Pad and shoot whenever an enemy comes into your line of fire.

Aside from that, I’ve been dabbling in a few “non-story” games, or games that work just fine if you don’t pay attention to their story. Those are:

  • Velocity 2X
  • Super Meat Boy
  • WipEout 2048
  • NFS Most Wanted (2012)
  • Killzone Mercenary

P.S. I use a Playstation Vita for my gaming fix.