A Few Important Formulae

These are the ions I need to know for AS Chemistry. Here goes:

Formula Valency Name
\(OH\) 1- Hydroxide
\(SO_4\) 2- Sulfate
\(SO_3\) 2- Sulfite
\(PO_4\) 3- Phosphate
\(PO_3\) 3- Phosphite
\(NO_3\) 1- Nitrate
\(NO_2\) 1- Nitrite
\(CO_3\) 2- Carbonate
\(NH_4\) 1+ Ammonium
\(HCO_3\) 1- Hydrogen Carbonate
\(HSO_4\) 1- Hydrogen Sulfate
\(CN\) 1- Cyanide
\(MnO_4\) 1- Manganate (VII)
\(Cr_2O_7\) 2- Dichromate (VII)
\(CrO4\) 2- Chromate (VI)
\(ClO\) 1- Chlorate (I)
\(ClO_3\) 1- Chlorate (V)

These are the acids:

Formula Name
\(HCl\) Hydrochloric Acid
\(H_2SO_4\) Sulfuric Acid
\(H_2SO_3\) Sulfurous Acid
\(HNO_3\) Nitric Acid
\(HNO_2\) Nitrous Acid
\(H_3PO_4\) Phosphoric Acid
\(H_3PO_3\) Phosphorous Acid
\(HCO_3\) Carbonic Acid

Note: carbon-based acids are generally weak acids.

Another note:

This article was written on 07/09/2023. If you have any thoughts, feel free to send me an email with them. Have a nice day!