Endeavours with Blender

About a year ago/year and a half ago, I did some dabbling around with Blender. Here is some of the stuff I modeled. All of these are existing products.

Braun BC12 Alarm Clock

Something went wrong with the shape of the clock; it's weirdly polygonal. But I still like it.

an alarm clock by Braun

A close-up of the hands:

close up of the hands of the same alarm clock

Some of the knobs/dials on the back:

some of the knobs/dials on the back of the alarm clock

Bench + Table (scene)

This scene uses furniture I modelled from Fredericia (a recurring theme). I am quite partial to the floor tiling, though I would probably hate it in real life.

a set consisting of a bench and a table, with some fancy floor tiling and photos on the walls

The texturing on the legs of the benches did go a bit awry.

Mogensen Table

The table from the scene above.

a simple wooden table

Pato Chair

top profile of a chair
front profile of the same chair

J64 Chair

The texturing on the legs is pretty bad. Didn't notice it until after it had spent the amount of hours it had rendering.

a chair with some unfortunate texturing on the legs


Panic's Playdate. It was quite fun to model.

Panic's Playdate rear profile
Panic's Playdate front profile
a close up of the crank on the same device

The Donut

Can't miss this. I find the background rather unforuntate.

a donut

Thus, my journey with Blender concluded. It was fun while it lasted.

This article was written on 23/08/2023 and modified on 30/08/2023. If you have any thoughts, feel free to send me an email with them. Have a nice day!